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Select Injury Doctors


If were injured in an auto accident, at work, or suffered a sports-related injury, we’ve put together a list of physicians in New Jersey that specialize in the treatment of accident-related trauma.

Find Car Accident Doctors Near Me in New Jersey

Car accidents are overwhelming. Depending on the accident’s severity, you’ll have a few things going through your mind immediately after the incident. Who was at fault? How will you deal with the medical damage? Will your injuries heal or worsen?

Out of all these questions, you should be most concerned with the state of your health. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to search “car accident doctors near me” to get the treatment you need.

According to the New Jersey Department of Transportation, more than 43,000 suffered injury in accidents in 2020 auto accidents in 2020. Forbes states that, in 2023, over one million accidents resulted in injuries nationwide.

As the top choice for people looking for a car accident doctor in New Jersey, Accident Help Zone helped some of these victims get the help they needed. Our doctors aim to help patients make a full recovery.

Why You Should See a Doctor After a Car Accident

According to the CDC, emergency rooms across the country log around 10,000 visits each day after a car accident. Still, many people don’t visit the ER when they should.

Accident injuries do not always manifest immediately. You may feel fine because of the adrenaline coursing through your veins. It could also be that your body has still not fully reacted to any internal injuries. Detecting those injuries quickly can prevent severe conditions or permanent disability.

Secondly, you need a medical evaluation for documentation purposes if you will file an insurance claim.

The Main Types of Tests After a Car Accident

Car accident doctors evaluate victims for injuries with a physical inspection and then diagnostic tests. The most common types of tests you might undergo include the following.


X-rays are generally the first diagnostic tests a doctor will recommend after a car accident. The test will show dislocations, bone fractures, and foreign objects lodged in the body.

CT Scans

CT scans will show broken bones, puncture wounds, skull fractures, internal bleeding, and other soft tissue damage. Most of these injuries don’t show any symptoms immediately, so a CT scan can save your life after an accident. It’s another reason you should search online for “car accident doctors near me” as fast as possible.

MRI Scans

MRI scans are useful to diagnose conditions that X-rays can’t show and those that appear on CT scans but require more detail. Some of these include muscle damage, tendon injuries, ligament tears, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries.

The Treatment Options for Car Accident Injuries

Following your car accident injury diagnosis, your doctor will recommend one or more treatment approaches.

Rest and Medication Management

Doctors recommend this approach when treating minor accident injuries where pain is the biggest concern.

If you get injured in a car accident, it’s important to adhere to recommended dosages of pain medications to reduce the risk of developing a dependency.


Doctors recommend physical therapy for car accident victims recovering from spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and other internal injuries. Physiotherapists use stretching, strengthening, and realignment of body tissues to restore function, relieve pain, and increase endurance.

Chiropractic Care

Car accidents often affect the nervous system. Chiropractors use specialized techniques to restore the nervous system’s ability to function properly. Your doctor may recommend chiropractic care to treat back pain, neck injuries, vertigo, and more.

Occupational Therapy

Your doctor may recommend working with an occupational therapist to rediscover how to complete daily functions such as hygiene, bathing, and dressing.

Find a New Jersey Car Accident Injury Doctor

Are you looking for an auto accident injury doctor in New Jersey? Accident Help Zone offers access to highly experienced doctors who can help you in your journey toward recovery.

Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

Call Accident Help Zone today to learn more about common car accident hospital procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

You should see your general practitioner first after a motor vehicle accident. The goal is to ensure you receive the first-aid treatment you need. Your GP will recommend seeing a specialist if there’s probable cause.

The length of recovery depends on your personal injury treatment plan. Adhering to the plan will increase the chances of faster recovery.

If you’re searching online for “car accident doctors near me” without success, call the team at the Accident Help Zone for immediate help.